Metalfab Fire Trucks

Metalfab Minutes
A Blog on Everything Fire Truck Related

Monday, October 21, 2013

Reading Books

I have always enjoyed reading, and still do!  In the March 2013 issue of the Rotarian , there were a couple of articles on reading that made me think about my reading habits.
I tend to have 2 or 3 books on the go at any one time. I always have a business book of one sort or another on the go – I’m always looking for ideas to help me improve my performance or that of the company. Currently I’m reading W. Edward Deming’s “Out of the Crisis” which describes his 14 points to transform management. I tend to buy these books as I like to keep them for reference and like to mark them up. I'll be writing more about the 14 points as time goes on as I can see a lot of benefit in implementing them. 
I also enjoy series of books – Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, etc. Currently I am reading Stephen R. Lawhead’s King Raven Trilogy which is an interesting take on the Robin Hood legend. I tend to read these on the Kindle, or on my phone with the Kindle app. One of the articles in the Rotarian justified reading fiction as it let us see how people interact and allow us to perhaps imagine what another person is thinking or feeling. Maybe I can say that this is helping me with business as well!
Finally, I enjoy biographies. These I tend to borrow from the library as an ebook and read with my tablet. I believe we can always learn from other peoples’ experiences.

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