Metalfab Fire Trucks

Metalfab Minutes
A Blog on Everything Fire Truck Related

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Fearless Front Line Part Three

The final part of the Run-Improve-Grow model in Ray Attiyah's book "The Fearless Front Line" is Grow - Blazing a Trail for Growth.

To reach the Grow level, you have to make and keep Bold Promises. In other words, like a start-up, you have to be willing to promise to do new and different things that previously you would have said can't be done! It is important that the Run component be rock solid before making these Bold Promises!

As well, you need to make Bold Bets - and win them. These need to be educated bets - take small risks first so that when you make a Bold Bet, you're confident that you'll succeed. There is a good discussion on internal growth teams to make sure that there is more creativity and employee commitment to the growth initiative.

Continuing on the internal growth team is a final discussion on becoming a magnet for Talent - this only happens when you are considered a top performing organization.

I can see this is a long term project, but the results will be worth it. There is more information at and at Ray's blog at

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